I used to love long drawn-out cooking sessions in my little red 1930’s kitchen, which I called the heart of the house. But now, with an open floor plan, the kitchen is smack dab in the living room, and I want to avoid rattling pots and pans or even dirtying a dish. And since it’s all brand new, it makes me a nervous wreck. Even though the Caesarstone countertops are a 7 out of 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness, I’m still terrified I could cause irreparable damage with a single drop of lemon juice. More than ever before, I’ve been implementing strategies and shortcuts to help me avoid making a mess, while also trying to rekindle my love for preparing food and creating delicious (and picturesque) meals with pleasure.
I joke about our new kitchen’s Patrick-Bateman’s-apartment-in-American-Psycho vibes but it really isn’t so sterile and serial killery since I’ve started putting some life and soul into it. Although this top rated Japanese steel chef’s knife, which I’ve been using to chop fruits and veggies for over 6 years would, be right up the Bret Easton Ellis character’s alley.
Click Read More below to find a selection of tried and true tools for an easy, enjoyable, and spick-and-span kitchen experience, including an apron that gets me in the mood, a pan so gorgeous I never put it away, and a kettle which is a total bargain, and also quite attractive, especially compared to that trending SMEG which costs buku bucks.
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